Populaire berichten

dinsdag 24 september 2019

Out of breath? Take a rest. (David Lowrie)

Out of breath? Take a rest. Let yourself breathe and be at ease. Run the marathon, not the sprint. Slow it down and adjust your intent.

Make it beautiful, what you envision it to be. Don't make it for him or her or them or me. Love yourself and provide the space - to let things grow - don't smother in haste.

Don't move too quickly, for you'll make mistakes - you'll do that anyways - but at half the pace. Always correcting and carrying on, the night is always the darkest juat before dawn.

The love is always the strongest right after a fight. The darker the shadow, the brighter the light. Shine at every angle to reveal each corner of the dark. Love each moment of your life and accept the spark - the spark that ignites your flame and let's you burn forever more. Follow your heart to your dreams, this I do implore.

David Lowrie

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