Osho zei: "It's either sannyas or suicide. It's up tot you! 200 kilometer westwaarts in Bombay zette Niz op 14 January 1981 het nog eens een keer helder op een rijtje:
" The capacity of Consciousness is something astounding. I didn't know I was, and suddenly I knew 'I Am'. This 'I Amness' is the power of Maya. (......)
There is nothing happening - nobody is bound -therefore there is no question of liberation.
It is only when one thinks of himself as an individual that he thinks of bondage and liberation. Whatever concepts you have collected in this world are totally useless.
Understand that the total manifestation is the child of a barren woman (......).
Op 30 Juni 1981 sprak Niz voor het laatst. Hij zei: "What remains is only the consciousness without name or form. There is no individual at all (....) the consciousness remains as long as the body is there, but without any individuality.
(.....)It is the unborn only which prevails.(.....)
Even this 'I Amness' will not remain as my friend.(.....) All my knowledge has gone into liquidation. I am not concerned."
De dansers zaten bij Osho. De muurbloemen bij Niz. Wie hoorde wat er gezegd werd loste op en kwam nooit terug. Sannyas or suicide.
Het is geen keuze. Het is hetzelfde!
(wordt vervolgd).
Wouter van Oord.
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