Populaire berichten

vrijdag 7 februari 2025

When we aren’t seeking love and approval from others, Jeff Foster


When we aren’t seeking 

love and approval from others 

When we don’t mind anymore 

what they think of us 

Whether they like us

Or agree with us 

Or understand us 

Or even see us 

Then we are free

Free to be ourselves 

Free to express our authenticity

Free to be wild

Free to be soft

Or fierce 

Or silly

Or wise 

Or angry

Or silent

Or sensual

Or weird or not 

Free to express what’s truly alive for us 

And not censor it

Or manipulate it for “likes”

Or control it for “love”

Or moderate it for “acceptance”

We are finally content to be ourselves

Seen or ignored  

Ridiculed or celebrated 

Loved or hated 

Or whatever

It doesn’t really matter

Not on the deepest level anyway 

(And it doesn’t mean 

we aren’t still open to feedback 

and exploring our blind spots)

But we finally approve of ourselves

And accept ourselves

And love ourselves 

And feel safe inside of ourselves

So we don’t need to go “out there” for approval 

And the hunt for safety “out there” fades away

And we find the deepest safety “in here”

So when they laugh at us

Or dislike our expression

Or ridicule us 

Or try to shame us

We can smile

And have compassion 

And refocus 

And just keep walking the path

The path of authenticity

The path of ourselves

Jeff Foster

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