Vele van jullie weten zich nog te herinneren dat ik bezig wat voor Plentyfood met Vitagaot. Dit is uitgemunt in SoyCow wat ongeveer op hetzelfde neerkomt. Voor de geïnteresseerde hier de voortgang. Geweldig werk wat Plentyfood doet.
Interim Report for Plenty Food
SoyCow Project for India
Malnutrition Matters
April 26, 2011
Two SoyCow systems were shipped from the fabricator SSP in Faridabad to Pune and Ahmedabad in early March. In Ahmedabad the system was intended for a school, while in Pune the system was for installation at a technical facility for demonstration and training until the best location for humanitarian purposes could be found in the Pune area.
March 20 to 22, the SoyCow technician and installer traveled to Pune to do the installation and training at Vyom Industries, which is the company hosting the facility in Pune. This company is controlled by Mr. Suresh Shah who is also the executive Director of the Diving Knowledge Society, the Jain-vegan group which is partnered with Plenty Food and Malnutrition Matters on this project.
Trainee-workers at Vyom Industries in Pune with the SoyCow
Since it was discovered that the school in Ahmedabad could not have the SoyCow installed directly on the property, without getting complex government approvals, it was decided by Divine Knowledge society to find a new partner in the region. Currently the candidate is an NGO called Manthan www.manthan.org which is in a village near Ahmedabad. Manthan supports handicapped girls and women. Before the equipment can be installed and operated at Manthan, nutritional analysis and other documentation will be developed in Pune with the system there. The operator for the eventual new site, has already been trained in Pune.
MM President, Frank Daller, traveled to Pune during March 21 – 26 for meetings, additional operation training and future planning purposes with Mr. Shah and his group. During that time a variety of soymilk and tofu products were produced and sampled including by the proprietor and chef of a leading restaurant in Pune. This chef and his restaurant are now using tofu from the training site in Pune instead of using cow milk / paneer. Soymilks “shakes” are also being developed. They have also committed to continuing to buy tofu and soy milk for this purpose from the eventual social program site which is developed in the Pune area. This commitment from a major restaurant to buy the soy products, will help in the establishment of a humanitarian site which provides soymilk to the malnourished population.
Soymilk being produced / Mr. S. Shah of Divine Knowledge Society
After continued demonstrations and documentation at the current location in Pune, it is expected that this system will be installed in a permanent location near Pune, to provide soy foods to malnourished children and adults, subsidized by profits from selling products to the restaurant. Meanwhile the principals from Manthan will come to see the operation and get more detailed knowledge before their installation and training happens. It is hoped to complete these installations in May or June.
Another report will be issued in June, providing details of the installations, volume of output and the beneficiaries receiving the soy foods.