There are a lot of weird translations of what nonduality is supposed to entail.
They're all over the internet.
If you are curious, just look em up!
It entirely depends on your eagerness to spot them, or not!
Some messages smell nice, others have bad odours.
I personally have always been and still am a big fan of Shri Nisargadatta's communicative skills.
I like to call him Niz, is sounds like Wizz.
A Hero!
Like Mickey Mouse.
His wonderful communicationskills exell in audibility and loudness.
No truer mutter ever sounded across the Milky Way!
Niz has profound gravity!
Whatever parameters that would possibly set for readers of my mutter?!
Nisargadatta has been widely misunderstood as a teacher.
He actually wasn't a teacher at all.
Those who came to see him in the early days of his Bombay years have experienced a fresh taste of his vigorous presence, which however have never really been transmitted to random audiences of seekers beyond the first waves of Western sniffers who were attracted to the profound traces of spiritual teaching in terms of Advaita Vedanta, later als known as radical
Westerners actually never got the feel of what Advaita Vedanta tastes like for rural Indians!
There's no romantics in Nisargadatta's communication.
Most Westerners don't get that!
I'm not saying he was right or wrong in his statements.
I just love him for what he left us as his legacy.
The sheer beauty of it!
Much has flowered beyond his murmer ever since he passed away.
Much confusion about what he really tried to convey lingers on as well after his demise.
There are many teachers in his lineage that kept and still keep hammering on about what he has essentially been talking on.
Many Advaita teachers have turned his statements into a rigid conceptual impediment to the hearing of what he actually spoke of!
Seekers therefore keep bumping into the unfathomable black wall of the Absolute!
Most attendees in the audiences of spiritual meetings seem to have these notions, these expectations and biases towards the significance of his communications on nonduality.
The average communications on nonduality are not the same as conversations on 'the soul' of man!
Basically such conversation are not void of prejudices!
To have an open mind and deeply listen to what has been been communicated by Niz is as hard as trying to breath under water.
Especially when no pointers were supplied or conveyed as a roadmap towards truth.
All notions of truth are an impediment to a profound hearing of what is spoken of.
Nisargadatta often points accordingly to his teacher who told him that he IS without attributes, timeless and spaceless!
Believing those words was for Niz the instant cessation of fear.
Death is inevitable and cannot affect That what you are!
According to Niz the trick is in dissociating yourself from every time-bound-isness.
It's all illusion.
Now, here comes the massive confusion!
It is however just a simple matter!
The inevitable has to be accepted unconditionally beyond doubt!
You cannot cling to any concept whatsoever!
It's like standing on the edge of a bottomless abyss, about to jump off, tacitly, and in that instant drop all fear of dying.
This is what Niz invites you to!
A most radical act!
A suicidal move that goes against the wiring of your brain!
The one that must dissappear and cease to be doesn't exist!
It's illusion!
To die before you die in order to live?!
That has been the spiritual ace up the sleeve op to now!
It's the comfort we are prone to seek and hope to find the key the highway that takes us home where we assume to belong.
There is however no home to return to.
That has never been in the playing.
Reality dies in every instant and leaves us no choice to resurrect it again.
What apparently came first will be the last!
There is no ending in the dream.
The box is empty.
There's no priority.
No final truth or right direction.
There never is!
There is no past.
There is no next!
There are no edges.
No coordinates.
No reference points!
Yet there's no none to be lost!
Wouter van Oord.
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